Thursday, February 7, 2008

Open fridge and.... GO.

Close to end of the week and fridge is running on empty and I was short on time this morning.
So reached in grabbed what I could. Here's the result. Total prep time was 9 minutes.

Broccoli, red pepper, cilantro, salmon (small piece left over), 2 scrambled eggs.
Nuts for snack with, YES a small piece of chocolate to deal with office humdrum later in the day.
2 clementines.
Thank you to Chris (conditioning research blog) for introducing me via his blog to the Crossfit website.
This morning I tried the "Pullups, pushups, sit-ups and squat routine" 8 times 20 seconds and 10 sec. rest for all of them. WOW!
I have noticed, that those workouts get me VERY VEY hungry. I do wait at least an hour before I eat.
On that note, I'm going to eat NOW.

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