Tuesday, October 28, 2008


A good for you snack, and satisfying when you are craving something in the afternoon at work.
Do you ever buy roasted nuts in the store? Especially in the healthfood stores, the prices of the roasted nut varieties border on criminal.
So buy raw and make your own at home. It's a nice change from munching on just raw nuts and you can control the ingredients.

In a bowl mix some almonds together with; evoo, dash of tamari, garlic powder and onion powder. Spread them out on tin foil or cookie sheet and roast on low heat (200) for about 20 minutes. Let them cool and enjoy. They are great to add to salads also.
Play around with different flavors. You can use coconut oil and add a dash of curry powder for example. Raw pumpkin seeds roasted are some of my favorite.
This mix consisted of; evoo, pepper, garlic powder and a dash of ketjap manis. (an indonesian sweet soy sauce)

"Everything that happens happens as it should, and if you observe carefully, you will find this to be so." Marcus Aurelius

Enjoy your day!


s said...

HI, great post as usual. Love those speckled nuts:-)

Regards from Jerusalem again. Ok so I was BAD this morning and ate some halva at the breakfast bar after a pretty clean breakfast of hard boiled egg, plain lettuce (special requested), cucumbers, olive oil, smoked mackerel and coffee. You should only see the vast amounts of differing foods offered. Oh and then what people load up on!!

Marc said...

Hi Sarena,
I can only imagine the amazing foods. I remember how much I loved breakfast in Israel.I would eat the best scallions. Ofcourse yogurt and honey was wonderful too.
Are you staying at a hotel?


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