Thursday, January 3, 2008


"Life was never meant to be a struggle, just a gentle progression from one point to another, much like walking through a valley on a sunny day"
Stuart Wilde. Interesting guy Mr. Wilde.

Dinner last night was some griled salmon, grilled yams and a side salad. Just boil the sliced (slice thick) yams, when still somewhat firm, put in a bowl with some olive oil, red pepper flakes and fresh ground pepper. Then grill in grill basket while you tend to your other items. 2 large glasses of a nice pinot noir.

Salmon salad. Left over grlled salmon mixed with 4 boiled eggs, capers, celery, vegenaise and fresh ground pepper. Apple, cantaloupe, strawberries and a few carrots with baba ghanoush (eggplant) for my girlfriend. I'm having the salmon salad, a few slices of smoked salmon and left over salad from last night.
Her plate is first, as she like to eat before leaving the house for work. Mine is to go, as I eat a little later at my desk.

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