Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I'm back

First post since this past Friday.
Enjoyed a wonderful weekend, filled with great times. Family time, play time and feel good eating.

3 scrambled eggs, (made them in some butter) 4 cherry tomatoes cut up, 8 asparagus stalks cut up, some scallion, fresh ground pepper and a dash of hot sauce. Handful og grapes and cherries.
Cup of black coffee

Lunch; Some left over grilled chicken breast, celery stalks. Simple and quick, short on time. Remember, plan ahead.

Snack; white nectarine.

Dinner; sauteed some garlic in olive oil, (watch the heat) grass fed ground beef, crushed fresh pepper, then added some crushed tomatoes. simmer. put it over a nice organic red leaf lettuce. Glass of red wine.

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