Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sun is shining, weather is sweet.....

Well that's what this morning looked like anyway.....thank you Bob Marley for the lyrics.

Breakfast; some crab legs (so easy, boil water 3 minutes ..done) to make a yummy salad with.
In a bowl combine; Aspargus cut up (about 4 stalks) 1/4 cucumber, a little bit of red pepper, 2 scallions, 6 baby carrots, some red leaf lettuce. Dressing, a teaspoon o vegenaise, teaspoon olive oil, table spoon roasted garlic balsamic vinegar. a little sliver of habanero pepper cut up. mix together. Wow right???????? Well, at least I was excited about it this morning....

Grilled piece sea bass over a green salad, with tomato, red onion. I had this at a simple local seafood restaurant/store. Even a business lunch can be healthy...............wanna know what my client ate?

was on the later side due to hectic work and kids schedule; had some almonds late afternoon to tie me over. Dinner was one small avocado, one natural ground turkey breast patty (approx 2 ounces) just quickly sauteed in some olive oil. (if you make it flat, it cooks quickly without drying out) handul of raw spinach, drizzled with some red pepper/shallot dressing. ( real simple to make) One big glass of red wine.

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