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1 zucchini (the one showing is called Italian zucchini. They are great for grilling as they are bigger) slice, drizzle with evoo and sprinkle paprika, garlic powder, sea salt and fresh ground pepper.

1/2 pound ground turkey
1/2 pound grass fed beef
2 cloves of chopped garlic
1/3 cup finely chopped onion
1 egg
1/4 cup of feta
2 teasps oregano
fresh ground pepper to taste
Make two burgers and grill. Small side salad.

Also part of the easy series, I had some strawberry vinaigrette thanks to Elizabeth.
Delicious. It's great how we all learn from each other in our primal/paleo community.

I'm sure most of you have seen the new amazing paleo video. But just in case I put a link on the right. I will be forwarding this little gem to many.
Thanks for the continued feedback and comments everyone!!!
I hadnt seen the video!
thanks for linking...
You're welcome. Thanks for stopping by, hope all is well in your world. Been following your tweets.
Have a great day.
that griled zuchini looks amazing! I am doing that this weekend.
The SoG
Marc, some great ideas that I'll definitely be thinking of when go shopping. Beats the heck out of pasta/rice/sandwiches!
Also try slcing a zucc down the middle and grillig the whole thing. Quicker then the slices.
Enjoy the weekend.
Thanks man! I know the sammich still calls out sometimes. It's a powerul sucker.
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