Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I'll say it again, there are fantastic blogs out there detailing how important fats are in our diets.
Here's one of the good ones. And so simple to make.
Guacamole; I keep mine super simple and do not add salt/pepper or any spices.
This way you can taste all the flavors. They combine perfectly and yet you can taste them individually with each bite. If you avoid night shades, just leave out the tomato.

Missing form the ingredients here is a tablespoon of fresh lime juice. Remember the "masher"?? Much quicker and easier than a fork.

You can put a dollop on a piece of romaine, on top of grilled steak/chicken, eat it right out of the bowl. Endless options, just don't eat it with chips ;-)

I know the "news" is overwhelming at the moment and for most of us, the times are not easy. So I will leave you with one, if not my all time favorite quote. The last lines of "Desiderata".

"With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."


healthy ashley said...

I LOVE guacamole and this post reminded me I have to make some of my own!

s said...

How about wrapping the guac in nori sheets with some chopped lettuce??

Marc said...

Hi Ashley,
Thanks for reading. I love guacamole too!!! I look forward to reading your blog.

I'm having a tough time finding good nori here ;-(
But I like the idea a lot.
I will see what whole foods carries as they just opened a new store here.

Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

love the fat.

although Im more of an avacado plain woman---not sure why I dont love the 'mole!

Marc said...


Just wait till you taste mine :-)

I think I've posted some time ago, but I love this mix. Avocado, smoked salmon, scallion, and a little bit of tehina. Weird but delicious!
Enjoy your day!!!